Friday, June 5, 2009

why I do what I do

So I have been hearing a lot of comments about why I insist on going to other countries when there is so much that needs to be done in our own country.  My response to that is that until you have been to these countries and experienced their daily life first hand, not from a tourist point of view but from a local point of view, then you do not truly realize how great their need is.  I agree there is a lot of work to be done in our own country, but the need in third world countries is almost unbelievable.  It takes someone who feels the calling to abandon the luxuries of life that we experience here and fully embrace another culture, the good and the bad, for everything it is worth.  God created us all differently, with different passions.  If we were all the same then there would be no progress in our world.  In order to improve civilization and humanity we must not forget those who need help the most.  You can make the strongest link of a chain stronger, but if you do not help the weakest link, the chain will still be weak.  My passion is global health and international humanity.  If we help out or "try" to help out in areas that we are not passionate about, then we will make a fraction of a difference that we would in places where our hearts truly lie. 

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